Tag Archives: consumer choice

Menthol Cigarettes – Profound Study & Regulation

20 Mar

There is a new study that shows that exposure to menthol cigarettes increases the likelihood that people will smoke cigarettes.


There is also a study that shows when people are exposed to drinking alcohol, that people will likely continue drinking alcohol. In addition to these profound findings that show that people like products that act as drugs and increase their sense of peace and well-being, there are numerous other consumer-products that appear to warrant the same effect on the psyche of people – these can include: coffee, delicious sweet treats of various natures (basically anything with sucrose (C12H22O11 ) (sugar)), Doritos, and bacon. Because of the likelihood of menthol cigarettes increasing people’s probability to smoke, these types of cigarettes are being urged to be taken off the market via our fabulous protector of health, well-being and consumer choice – the FDA.


I, for one, who enjoys the emotional well-being offered by bacon, Doritos, cupcakes, coffee, red wine, and the occasional menthol cigarette, am eternally grateful to the federal government for conducting studies that show that products that change the chemical make-up of one’s brain and cause pleasure are addictive and therefore dangerous and therefore should not be available for purchase.



Published at TishaTCasida.com

Raw Milk – Let the Consumer to Decide

28 Apr

– Tisha Casida

I have been involved with several raw milk producers, and for a period of time owned my own share of raw milk in Southern Colorado.  Because of the growing awareness about the potential benefits of raw milk consumption, there is another unfortunate issue that is coming up in the echelons of Congress and the FDA.

The issues are the following: regulation [21 CFR 1240.61(a)] and statute [42 USC 264(a)].

Regulation 21 CFR 1240.61(a) states “no person shall cause to be delivered into interstate commerce or shall sell, otherwise distribute, or hold for sale or other distribution after shipment in interstate commerce any milk or milk product in final package form for direct human consumption unless the product has been pasteurized.”

Statute 42 USC 264(a) states, “The Surgeon General, with the approval of the Secretary, is authorized to make and enforce such regulations as in his judgment are necessary to prevent the introduction, transmission, or spread of communicable diseases…from one state or possession into any other state or possession.”

These (in theory) are supposed to protect consumers from sickness and disease.  The problem is that the heavy hand of government, with such regulations, can stifle consumer choice and actually hurt the health of consumers who have experienced benefits (not to mention the effect on local economies).

At the end of the day, we need our free markets back, where consumers can make their own purchasing decisions – buyer beware.  I am an adult, and I would like the responsibility of deciding both what to purchase and to ingest.  In the case of raw milk, it has been tremendously beneficial to my health and well-being, and therefore, I want to be able to purchase this from local producers who I know and trust.

Be cognizant of what they are doing with your choices!

Government Intervention of Salt

23 Apr

These are the kind of things that make me apoplectic.

The over-abundance of salt in foods is a “public health crisis” according to Rep. Rosa DeLauro from Connecticut.

Yes, people eat too much salt.  The reason is because they are eating WAY TOO MANY PROCESSED FOODS.  Which is their choice.  It is people’s choice to read the label of the food they are eating, it is people’s choice to ignore it.  It is people’s choice to make decisions that affect their health.  Period.  Government intervention and regulation of how much salt goes into foods is just another dangerous addition of red tape into various sectors of businesses.  If they regulate big business – they will regulate the small ones too – and that affects small business owners like myself.

Any time there are additional regulations (and God knows that we DO NEED SOME regulations), regulations that go BEYOND protecting people’s liberty and the free market, one must really look at the consequences of such.

People make choices about what they eat – that is called freedom. If we need the government to tell food manufacturers what to cook for us, we are in big trouble.

Whole story is HERE:

By: Tisha Casida